Inspection Traps

While planning a sewage system it is a good idea to satisfy the need to make inspections: with rational traps position. Their surface cannot be too different from the floor, so the best solution is to have a real and proper moveable portion of the floor (floor and tiles) which prevents the formation of unacceptable interstices. A frame with the insertion of a siphoned drain can be ordered.
Article Type A (mm) B (mm) Framework at U40 Weight (kg) Max charge distributed over an area of 25×25 cmq (kg) 
TCA 300 24×24 24 8 3 ø 10/2 31 6350
TCA 400 36×36 36 8 3 ø 10/2 41.5 4800
TCA 500 50×50 50 8 4 ø 10/3 55 4770
TCA 600 60×60 60 8 5 ø 10/4 71,5 4980
TCA 700 70×70 70 10 6 ø 10/4 98.5 4200